
What is PregnantPlate?

A project to help pregnant women make safe food choices during pregnancy

PregnantPlate is a project to help pregnant women around the world, make safe and healthy food choices during their pregnancy. With the understanding of the vulnerability and the complications that can arise during pregnancy, the content is based in science and research. PregnantPlate wants to be a reliable source to help our readers decide confidently.

At its heart, PP is a quick resource to search for food items and know their safety status. Beyond that, visitors are to be able to go in-depth and learn more about diet and health related terms, they may come across during their pregnancy.  


Personality, Tone, Style & Feel

PregnantPlate is not trying to compete with the medical sources. They are trying to make information more understandable for a wider audience around the world and take into consideration regional and cultural nuances. 

They want to talk to pregnant women, and their friends and families, across education and economic levels.

The brand is friendly, young, and relatable and that reflects in the language and design. They want to have a light hearted conversation with our audience about important topics and common questions during pregnancy. 


The main objectives were as follows –

  1. Understand the Target Audience
  2. Craft a Google-first user journey
  3. Design a mobile-first web solution
  4. Ideate a useful Search feature
  5. Develop a solution using WordPress + Elementor
(Objectives 4 & 5 will be covered in a separate post.)

Steps to solution

  1. User Research
  2. Synthesis
  3. Design
  4. Validation


Understanding the Users

Secondary Research

  • Behaviour during pregnancy and childbirth is not as much biologically dictated as it is a result of the cultural process
  • In general, our society tends to treat pregnancy as a solitary, clinical event. 
  • In many non-industrialised societies, pregnancy is invested with great religious significance
  • It is seen as an altered physical and psychic state to be celebrated. 
  • Most societies place some importance on birth and regard pregnancy as a time when special rules apply to the pregnant woman
  • Often, extra physical and emotional support is given
  • Pregnancy, birth, and parenting are pivotal events in a woman’s life and are considered bio-psychosocial events. 
  • Pregnancy is viewed as a developmental task, a time of crisis, and a critical phase by different social scientists.

Welch, L, Miller, L, Glob. libr. women’s med., (ISSN: 1756-2228) 2008; DOI 10.3843/GLOWM.10415, Emotional and Educational Components of Pregnancy,

  • Pregnancy and childbirth are unquestionably important moments in the life of a woman. 
  • Many women around the world look forward to having children and experience pregnancy positively in general. 
  • On the other hand, there are some psychological dispositions and life conditions which occasionally cause negative emotions in the mother.
  • Health, social relationships, material conditions, and psychological preparedness affect the positive emotional experience of pregnancy. 
  • Women who planned to become pregnant are more content. 
  • However, the overall emotional experience also relates to the social and psychological preparedness for the upcoming changes.

J Clin Med Res. 2013 Apr; 5(2): 112–120. Published online 2013 Feb 25. doi: 10.4021/jocmr1246e, PMCID: PMC3601497, PMID: 23518672, Predictors of Pregnancy-Related Emotions, Mojmir Tyrlik,a,d Stepan Konecny,b and Lubomir Kuklac;

Primary Research - Personal Interviews

Questions for interviews
  • How far along are you in your pregnancy?
  • Who is your go to person for pregnancy diet related advice? What make them the right person?
  • Have you changed your frequency of eating since you became pregnant?
  • Are you following a certain diet?
  • How often do you eat out or order in?
  • Have your brought about any changes to your diet? Is it a diet plan?
  • What foods are you avoiding during pregnancy?
  • What foods/cuisine are your skeptical about?
  • What do you think about a service like PregnantPlate? 
  • What do you think is must from a product like PregnantPlate? 
  • What do you think a product like PregnantPlate should not do? 
  • Do you know any other product like PregnantPlate?


Narrowing the audience

Pain Areas

  1. Family member or medical professional not accessible at the moment of need. For eg: in a restaurant or supermarket.
  2. Family member or medical professional not aware of safety of some items
  3. Google results are complicated and too many.
  4. Other websites use language that is not easy to understand.
  5. Other websites supply information that is too complex to understand.
  6. Mobile experience is painful to use
  7. Pages take too long or doesn’t load on mobile


  1. Quick way to check food item for safety
  2. Needs trustworthy source and reliable information
  3. Needs to know benefits to self and foetus
  4. Needs to know dangers to self and foetus
  5. Needs to know effects on breast milk post pregnancy
  6. Needs to know effects on pregnancy during special conditions

Prioritizing Needs



User Journeys

Search Engine

Social Media



Visual Design


Pageviews have consistently increased month on month.

In a survey or n=500, the NPS was above 92 points.

Thanks for your time. I’m very proud of the effort I put into this and how this project turned out. If you found this interesting, have a look at my other projects.

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