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Key Projects

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Case Studies

Big Bus Tours

Booking Management System Big bus tours is a leading global hop-on hop-off bus brand based in London and with operation in 27 of the world’s

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Region: Global
Platform: Web
Industry: Contact center solution

Redesign of the homepage with insights from UX review and A/B tests.

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Abu Dhabi Airports Company

Region: Abu Dhabi
Platform: Web / Intranet

Abu Dhabi Airports Company manages and operates the five airports in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This project involved rethinking tabular data to enhancing UX for Data-Heavy Applications

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Tupelo Health App

Region: United States

User research, wireframes and design for health app for TupeloLife Digital, a remote patient monitoring (RPM) and virtual care management company.

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Designs & Thoughts


Getting to production-ready designs that function across a range of screen sizes and form factors with multiple methods of input is complex process. Having used different frameworks across different industries, I used the method most suited to the project at hand.